In mid January of 2022, Faulkey Gully MUD will begin a five phase cleaning and televising inspection project of all sanitary sewer lines within the District. The goal of this project is to identify any deficiencies in the District’s sanitary sewer system, and later rehabilitate aging infrastructure as necessary. Sanitary sewer cleaning and televising is performed by water-jetting the main sanitary sewer pipes, and running a camera through to investigate the condition of the pipe.
Access to the pipes is gained via manholes, which are located in front or back yard easements. Each phase will take approximately 60-90 days to complete.
The Phase 1 Cleaning and Televising Contract was recently awarded to Aims Companies. The residents within the Phase 1 project area will receive door hangers from the Contractor between 3 and 14 days prior to work commencing within 200 feet of their property. This project should not disrupt normal water and sanitary sewer service.