Ensuring Safe Drinking Water: Faulkey Gully MUD Completes Lead & Copper Inventory, Confirms No Lead Service Lines

Faulkey Gully MUD has completed the Lead & Copper Inventory as required by the EPA.

Through records research and field investigation of the distribution system, it has been determined that the system has no lead service lines or galvanized requiring replacement service lines.

The system has been determined as a non-lead community. If you would like a copy of the Lead & Copper Inventory, please submit your request to compliance@municipalops.com.

Safety Alert

If someone comes to your door requesting a payment for your water account, please contact the proper authorities and report this immediately to Municipal Operations & Consulting (MOC).

Field technicians do not collect payments in person.

Payments must be made online via their website, via telephone, or in person at one of their office locations.

Click here for more information about how to identify a MOC staff member.

If you have questions or concerns at any time about someone who claims to be an MOC staff member, please don’t hesitate to call the office at 281-367-5511 to verify the information.