Safety Alert

If someone comes to your door requesting a payment for your water account, please contact the proper authorities and report this immediately to Municipal Operations & Consulting (MOC).

Field technicians do not collect payments in person.

Payments must be made online via their website, via telephone, or in person at one of their office locations.

Click here for more information about how to identify a MOC staff member.

If you have questions or concerns at any time about someone who claims to be an MOC staff member, please don’t hesitate to call the office at 281-367-5511 to verify the information.

NHCRWA Implements Stage 1 of the Drought Contingency Plan

Due to the issues at the City of Houston’s NEWPP, the Authority is experiencing difficulties in meeting the high demand under the extreme weather conditions. The Authority is implementing Stage 1 of our Drought Contingency Plan immediately. The Authority’s Drought Contingency Plan request that any customer receiving water from the Authority or well owner whose well is included under the Authority’s Harris-Galveston Subsidence District aggregate water well permit:

Check for and repair all leaks, dripping faucets, and running toilets.

  • Utilize water conservation measures such as displacement bags, low-flow shower heads and leak detection tablets. Additional water conservation tips can be found at;
  • Limit irrigation to no more than two days per week, between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. following the schedules below:
    • Sundays and Thursdays for single family residential customers with even-numbered street addresses.
    • Saturdays and Wednesdays for single family residential customers with odd-numbered street addresses.
    • Tuesdays and Fridays for all other customers.
    • No watering on Mondays.

Compliance to the above recommendations is voluntary.

NHCRWA Implements Stage 2 of the Drought Contingency Plan

The City of Houston (COH), the primary source of water for the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (Authority), has entered stage two of their Drought Contingency Plan, effective on August 27, 2023. The COH’s drought response calls for mandatory water conservations efforts to reduce water use, that will reduce the daily volume of water delivered. The Houston Public Works Release can be found under

As required by the Authority’s Drought Contingency Plan, the Authority must enter Stage 2 of our Drought Contingency Plan, when the COH enters into Stage 2 water shortage of their Drought Contingency Plan. The Authority’s Drought Contingency Plan requires that any customer receiving water from the Authority or well owner whose well is included under the Authority’s Harris-Galveston Subsidence District aggregate water well permit:

  • Repair detectible water leaks within 72 hours of discovery;
  • Utilize water conservation measures such as displacement bags, low-flow shower heads and leak detection tablets;
  • Please limit irrigation and lawn watering to the times and days indicated below.
    • Sundays and Thursdays for customers with a street address ending in an evennumber (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8)
    • Saturdays and Wednesdays for water customers with a street address ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9)
    • Tuesdays and Fridays for all other customers
    • No Watering on Mondays
    • Irrigate landscapes only between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on designated watering days.

Compliance with the above requirements is mandatory.

NHCRWA implements Stage 2 of the Drought Contingency Plan 08-24-2023

North Harris County Regional Water Authority

Drought Condition Update

FGMUD is not currently implementing any drought condition responses.

Residents in FGMUD with Tomball zip codes are not included in the City of Tomball.

Faulkey Gully MUD adheres to recommendations put forth by the North Harris County Regional Water (NHCRWA); any drought condition responses will be at their discretion.

Should conditions change, updates will be quickly posted here and signs will be distributed throughout the District.

Is Your AUTOPAY Information Up-to-Date?

Municipal Operations & Consulting (your water company) is using a new water & sewer utility billing software.

Please contact them for your new account number!

Automatic Draft, Payment Online or By Phone: (online bill pay, ACH, re-occurring credit card)

  • To pay online or by phone: please visit to set up a new online account or call our automated IVR system at 346-439-7222.
  • For Online Bank Payments: make sure to update payment information at your bank to your new account number. It is critical to ensure proper posting of your payment.
  • For Automatic ACH service or re-occurring credit card payment: please visit to set up a new online account.

Municipal Operations & Consulting
(281) 367-5511

New Utility Billing Software


As the Operators for Faulkey Gully MUD, Municipal Operations & Consulting, Inc., we are pleased to announce the transition of our water & sewer utility billing software.

Your account number will change with this software transition. Your new account number will be available after 9/1/22. Please look for an email after this date that will allow you to confirm and set up access to your new customer portal. If you do not receive an email, you can request your new account number by emailing us at or calling our office at (281) 367-5511.

If you plan to drop off or mail in payment, you may submit using the current payment coupon at the bottom of your invoice.

Action is required for customers that pay online, by phone, or by automatic draft. Please see additional information, below.

Payment drop-off locations: (cash, check, and money orders)

Spring Location

27316 Spectrum Way, Oak Ridge North, Texas 77385

Katy Location

1825 North Mason Road Katy, Texas 77449

Mail all payment to: (check and money orders)

Faulkey Gully MUD
20141 Schiel Road, Cypress, Texas 77433

Automatic Draft, Payment Online or By Phone: (online bill pay, ACH, re-occurring credit card)

  • To pay online or by phone: please visit, after 9/1/22, to set up a new online account or call our automated IVR system at 346-439-7222.
  • For Online Bank Payments: make sure to update payment information at your bank to your new account number. It is critical to ensure proper posting of your payment.
  • For Automatic ACH service or re-occurring credit card payment: please visit, after 9/1/22, to set up a new online account.

Voluntary Water Restrictions in Place

Stage 1 of the district’s drought contingency plan has been triggered.  Please limit irrigation and lawn watering to the times and days indicated below.

  • Sundays and Thursdays for customers with a street address ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8)
  • Saturdays and Wednesdays for water customers with a street address ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9)

Irrigate landscapes only between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.mon designated watering days. to learn more.