Freezing Temperatures

Freezing temperatures are expected over the coming days. To limit issues that may arise because of the inclement weather, your Water District requests that customers do the following:

  1. Turn off, isolate, and drain your irrigation system and backflow prevention device.
  2. Unhook any outdoor water hoses attached to your faucets.
  3. Wrap outdoor pipes and faucets with foam, rags, or other insulating material. To keep the insulation in place, secure it with string, wire, or tape.
  4. Install insulation or covers over outside water faucets.
  5. Open cabinet doors under your sinks to provide warm air circulation.
  6. Circulate water in your home by allowing at least on sink to drip.
  7. Keep the temperature of your home above 55 degrees.

If a leak is detected inside your home, shut off the water to the house immediately to prevent further damage.

WaterSmart System

Dear Resident,

Faulkey Gully MUD has partnered with WaterSmart Software to offer our residents a modern digital portal where you can access detailed information about your household water use. You can reach the portal on your mobile device or web browser at:

To register for this free service, just enter your billing account number and email address. You can then access all of your utility data as soon as it becomes available each billing period, see how your water use compares to similar sized homes in your neighborhood, and get access to customized recommendations on how you can save water and money.

We hope you take advantage of this exciting new service and look forward to working closely with our residents to make our city more resilient, healthy, and happy!


Faulkey Gully MUD

Error on Water Bills for March Usage

Dear Customer,

The water bill that you received for your March water usage had a calculation error. We have corrected the error and as a result we had to adjust your bill. Customers on auto payment will not be affected.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please contact our office at: 281-367-5511 if you have any questions.

Municipal Operations & Consulting, Inc., District Operator

Teleconference Information for Board Meetings

Due to the coronavirus, the Faulkey Gully MUD meeting this month will be held online. The Directors will be at the meeting to confirm a quorum.

You may join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (872) 240-3412

One-Touch: tel:+18722403412,,928453917#

Access Code: 928-453-917

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Our Water is Safe to Drink

The surface water supply of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (the “Authority”) was not affected by City of Houston’s major water line break on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

There will not be a boil water notice issued by the Authority to its customers at this time.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (the “TCEQ”) requires that a boil water notice be issued if the water pressure in a public water system falls below the minimum requirement. The surface water the Authority receives from the City of Houston is conveyed from a different water treatment plant via a separate transmission line which never lost its pressure from the major line break.

In addition, the Authority monitors and tests the quality of the water frequently after it reaches the Authority’s facilities to ensure the integrity of the water we provide to our customers.