Error on Water Bills for March Usage

Dear Customer,

The water bill that you received for your March water usage had a calculation error. We have corrected the error and as a result we had to adjust your bill. Customers on auto payment will not be affected.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please contact our office at: 281-367-5511 if you have any questions.

Municipal Operations & Consulting, Inc., District Operator

Teleconference Information for Board Meetings

Due to the coronavirus, the Faulkey Gully MUD meeting this month will be held online. The Directors will be at the meeting to confirm a quorum.

You may join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (872) 240-3412

One-Touch: tel:+18722403412,,928453917#

Access Code: 928-453-917

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Our Water is Safe to Drink

The surface water supply of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (the “Authority”) was not affected by City of Houston’s major water line break on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

There will not be a boil water notice issued by the Authority to its customers at this time.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (the “TCEQ”) requires that a boil water notice be issued if the water pressure in a public water system falls below the minimum requirement. The surface water the Authority receives from the City of Houston is conveyed from a different water treatment plant via a separate transmission line which never lost its pressure from the major line break.

In addition, the Authority monitors and tests the quality of the water frequently after it reaches the Authority’s facilities to ensure the integrity of the water we provide to our customers.

Notice of Drawing for Faulkey Gully Municipal Utility District

Notice is hereby given that a drawing will be held on Monday, February 25, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the District’s agent, Coats Rose, P.C., 9 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77046, to determine the order in which the names of the candidates will appear on the ballot for the Directors Election to be held on May 4, 2019. All interested persons are invited to attend the drawing.

Notice of Drawing (PDF)

Hurricane Harvey in 2017 Led to Serious Flooding within Harris and the Surrounding Counties

Many residents are very concerned with the recent flooding that has occurred in our general area over the past several years and have some questions about this problem. Unfortunately, Harris County (the “County”) representatives are actively attempting to shift responsibility for maintenance of existing storm drainage facilities from the County to the Municipal Utility Districts (“MUDs”). The County has failed to adequately maintain much of the existing storm drainage facilities, yet is seeking a cost-sharing agreement with the MUDs that will lead to double taxation. This has happened on several occasions regarding existing drainage facilities that are in need of maintenance. The County and/or the Harris County Flood Control District (as administered by the County) is responsible for, among other things, the control, regulation, and distribution of the storm and flood waters within its jurisdictions. The Drainage Facilities are with the County’s jurisdiction.   Several governmental entities have responsibility for different infrastructures. Harris County Precinct 4,  (713) 755-6444, owns and maintains the roads, storm sewers and drainage ditches. Harris County Flood Control District, (713) 684-4000 is a department of the County and maintains some detention ponds and all major drainage bayous and creeks. Faulkey Gully MUD (the “District”),, maintains and owns the water and sanitary sewer systems. Questions pertaining to flooding issues should be directed to Harris County Precinct 4 and Harris County Flood Control District. The District from time to time works with these other agencies to help solve problems that involve the District’s facilities, such as relocation of a conflicting water or sewer line due to traffic signal installation or new road construction. The District desires nothing more than to work harmoniously with the County and Flood Control in furtherance of the entities’ separate and distinct responsibilities. It is the District’s sincere hope that this goal can and will be achieved.